My Family

This is my big gultom's family. I love them so much. Ok, I will tell you who are they on that pic. they are my grandma, my 3 uncles, my 2 aunts, my 4 cousins, my father (behind of me), my sister (beside of me) and my mother with her baby (my sister also). We looked like happiness. we must be surprised that it is me. yeah, at the moment, I was 9 years old. I was so cute, right? haha lol :D 
We had a big party. so, we met each other. It was special moment. because, we seldom met except we have a party. 
it was in 2003 (I guess so). but, my father was dead. it was happened in 2004. so, I have single parent. my mother always support me to be good lady. She always pray on me. My father already met Jesus. I love you and miss you so much, daddy. :'(
I think that's all. I am very sleepy. I want to sleep. bye. :D
God bless. :)

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