Senin, 02 Maret 2015

Power of Dream

guys, good morning! :D at this time, I have rest time to type. I was thinking a lot and suddenly dreams come into my brain. Dream..dream..and dream. Is it? do you have a dream? of course.

Dreams can change everything to be better. I  have many dreams and I am still trying to get all of it. But, I always fault. I almost give up. But, I heard God said to me that I have to be strong girl. Being the first child in my family is really hard. I am not complaining. I am happy to be the first. it means I will be the first also in every challenge:D and I will be the winner. Amen :D

God never let us go. But, we must remember Him whatever, wherever, and however we are. without Him, we can't do anything. Trust me! we need Him so much. 

Okay, back to the Laptop (lol :D) Dream has a power. If you believe that you can get  your dream, it will be happened. Pray everyday. So, guys just try-try and try. 

"I pray that everything will run smoothly according to His will" - Alfrida Ranty M. G

See you at the top guys. I have to prepare my self to go somewhere. bye. God Bless Us.  

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